This Post Brought To You By Andy's New Camera

As you might have heard, I'm on vacation this week. So today I drove 2.5 hours to Tecumseh.

Why, you ask? To finally spend my Christmas money (and a few other dollars I've collected since), of course.

I've been saving up to buy a new full-frame camera, but they are really expensive. So I was thrilled when I found a barely used one (a better model than I was going to buy) for 60% less than I would have spent if I had bought it new. It didn't have a lens with it, but the price for the body was worth the drive.

Two of the three lenses I have will work with it for now. I just have to remember to set the zoom lens to crop in a little bit so I don't get a dark halo around my pictures until I can buy the proper zoom lens for the camera. Maybe that's how I'll spend this year's Christmas money.
