Nine Month Checkup

I'm a few days late, but it's time for another 366 in 2020 check in. Today is day 278 of 2020 (the longest year on record, thanks to the coronavirus) and this is post No. 278. So, three-quarters of the way through the year, and we are right on track to make it to 366. Honestly, I was going to be happy to make it to 300 posts (which I won't be happy about when I have to start making the next book), but now I think I might really make it to 366. The kids are back in school, so they aren't around as much to take pictures of, but extracurricular activities are resuming, so it balances out.

In other business, I haven't been posting about my column every week. I figured if you really wanted to keep up with it, you'd buy a weekend paper. But, in case it just slipped your mind, here's what you've missed recently:

I've had a couple of weekend stories mixed in there, too. So you should probably just pick up a weekend paper every week so you are sure not to miss anything.
