Artsy Fartsy Friday: Line Emotion

Augie's Take: We were drawing this picture because we were studying color and line emotion for art class. Line emotion is how different lines and colors make people feel. Darker colors make people feel ... I don't know, my notes are at school. Mr. Buch told us to draw one with bright colors and normal lines, and the other one more with cool colors and jagged lines. I drew a picture of a haunted house, a river, a mountain, a waterfall, a tree, gravestones and moon. And the other one with the loaf house, less jagged mountains, sun, waterfall, river and sheep.

Dad's Take: Wow, that got a lot deeper than I was expecting for Artsy Fartsy Friday. I just thought we were getting a dual picture of the same landscape. Instead we're over here learning things about line emotion. If only he'd remembered how darker colors make people feel, I'd have been really impressed. I personally like the top picture more. Does that make me jaded? Or dark? Where's Augie's notebook when I need it?
