Six-Month Check-up

We are six months into 2020, and I don't think it's gone the way any of us thought it would. The coronavirus, the homeschooling, the cancellation of vacation and sports seasons. It's all taken a bite out of the things I would normally blog about during a normal year. So it's worth checking in to see where we stand in the quest for 366 posts in 2020.

This is post 182 of the year, which puts me one post behind the one-a-day pace I need to keep. I'm pretty happy with that, actually, considering I've been sick for the past 2+ weeks. I know what I've been posting lately hasn't been groundbreaking, but I'm happy to be getting anything up. In case you were wondering, yes, I'm still sick. Not keep-me-from-working sick, but I've still got an annoying cough and breathing is still kind of an issue. But it's totally not the coronavirus. I figured at some point during the year I'd get sick and get a day or two behind, but I never would've predicted this. I'm ready to be healthy again so I can get back to doing normal things like mowing the lawn and fixing garden benches and leaving the house.

The good news is I'm still working from home (3.5 months, baby!), so I've been able to keep working even though I've been mostly just trying to stay alive. When am I going back to the office? That's a good question. With the way 2020 has gone, my guess is sometime in 2021.
