The Story Behind the Story of Pancakes

For the second week in a row, I wrote a column for the Saturday Focus page. (You're proud, I can tell.) This time I wrote about something that'll interest everyone: pancakes. (No, really. They let me do what I want around there.)

While this weekend is Easter, and Easter always meant a big breakfast after the sunrise service at church, it always reminds me that delicious pancakes are right around the corner.

The fire department would always have its pancake breakfast right around Easter, but never on Easter directly. They were smart to not try to compete with the big Easter breakfast down the road. The last time I went was 2016, and I was hoping to go back this year. That's before the coronavirus put us all on never-ending coronatine.

Oh well, maybe next year. Check out the column and be sure to poke around the rest of the website. We've opened up the whole thing to view for free this weekend. If you like what you see, consider a subscription (the online-only ones are cheap), and maybe I'll keep writing columns to reward you.
