In the Archives: In the Paper

With all the coronavirus going around lately, it's been a weird few weeks at "the office." I've been working exclusively from home for the past 2.5 weeks. Not because I've wanted to, or because it's a more convenient commute, but because the company doesn't want more than 10 people in the building at a time (whenever possible).

I'm still able to design pages thanks to remote log-in magic, and I can still edit stories because our front-end system is all internet based. But the size of our papers have taken a hit recently because most of the businesses in town are closed (meaning they don't need to buy ads).

So there have been days when I usually would have had pages to work on that I haven't had pages. That's freed me up to do something I haven't had time to do in a long time: write. Writing more has always been on the to-do list, but between the editing, pagination, website maintenance and social media, it always gets pushed down the list. This week, I finally had time to write. So I wrote a column for the weekend Focus page (note: it's behind the paywall).

You might read it and think, "Gee, this sounds familiar." That's because the column is a recap of sorts of some of the things I've been featuring in my In the Archives features. I thought it would be an ideal time to remind readers about our online archives, since everyone is stuck at home and probably running out of things to pass the time.

It's probably not quite big enough to read, but here's how the column looked in print.
