Artsy Fartsy Friday: Polka Dot Castle

Gracie's Take: I made a castle. I traced a CD for the square. Then I made polka dots on the castle to decorate it. Then I made a moat. I made windows. We were making castles for my castle unit. We were talking about kings and queens. And we took a picture for Bloomz so everyone could see it, and Mrs. Rabbers. We made walls on the side. I think that's it.

Dad's Take: I feel like it was just yesterday that Gracie was asking me what a moat is (oh wait, that was yesterday), and today she's showing me a picture of a moat-circled castle. It has to be the prettiest castle in all of castleland. Look at all those polka dots! Can you imagine being the peasant who had to paint all those dots? It must've been quite the job, especially considering they'd have to come up with all that pink and purple and orange paint first. I hope there was a Sherwin-Williams nearby.
