Artsy Fartsy Friday: Potato Clock

Today, was Parent's Day at the school, and all the students prepared some science stuff for us to check out.

Augie went with the potato-powered clock. Now, I'm almost positive I could have rounded up all the materials we needed at the farm. It was a pretty simple project. But Amazon had a whole kit for less than $10, sooooo ....

... thank you Amazon Prime. And wouldn't you know it, it actually worked.

So we tried it on apples.

Apples worked, too. Even with the stickers still on them.

So we thought we'd try it on 7UP. They gave us these cute little cups, after all.

That worked, too. And so did the water we tried after it.

Since this was a science project, we had to figure out why putting strips of copper and magnesium (or maybe it was zinc, the box and directions didn't agree with each other, thanks China) into things made the clock power up. So we tried air. Air did not make the clock light up.

Neither did simply making the strips of metal touch each other. So what did make it work? Augie's research told us the electrons in the electrolytes in the different foods and drinks allowed a current to flow between the different pieces of metals, powering the clock. Now you know.
