Augie the Light Painter

Now, I know a lot of people think Augie's a little angel, but that's not why he's glowing. Augie wanted to play "ship" tonight on our bed, and he had a flashlight with him. He wanted to use it for a telescope. But I was tired of playing ship, so I grabbed my camera, set it for night portraits and told him to go wild with the light. The following is what ensued:

Look dad, I have a flashlight!
This is sooooooooooo crazy.
The C is for cool, dad.
Now you see me, now you don't.
I'm here, no I'm there.
Look, dad, I can breathe fire.
Oh, no! Now I'm on fire. Stop, drop and roll.
Here, dad, you try.
Oh crap, now my hair's on fire.
