'This is the Best Day Ever'

It was a long and busy Halloween day at the Steinke household. Good thing I had the day off. After Augie's pajama party at school this morning, we got to carving pumpkins ... after nap of course.

It was a dirty job, but Augie was happy to help.

There were a lot of guts in our pumpkins.

After I cut up the first one, I told Augie to give me the same face as the jack-o'-lantern. Spot on, right?

This is how he thinks the second one looked. I thought he was just being goofy, but in this picture he actually covered up one of his front teeth and kind of looks like him.

Jack there wasn't so happy about Augie making fun of him.

There was a big mess to clean up when we were done. Good thing mom was coming home soon.

Gracie made sure she stayed well away from all the slime and guts.

After dinner, we headed over to grandma's house for a few treats. As you can see, Augie was a construction worker for Halloween this year. He had his own muscles, tattoos, walkie talkie and tools.

Grandma had lots of treats to choose from.

And she gave them all to Augie.

Gracie didn't need any candy, but she came so grandma could see her Cinderella outfit.

While we were there, we gave grandma her birthday gift.

Grandma needed a picture of the kids, too. Probably to show her kids at school.

Then we made the trek home, lit the jack-o'-lanterns and hit the streets in search of more candy -- just me and Augie, not Gracie. It was too cold out for Gracie to trick or treat.

But that's OK, because the other grandma and grandpa came over to help mom hand out candy.

She didn't need to go out anyway. Grandma brought Gracie treats.

Augie did OK this year, but we only went around half the circle tonight because it was so cold. Augie didn't want to wear a coat because no one would see his construction costume. So he was cold by the time we were two houses down the road. If only someone could have predicted that.

So all in all, I think Augie was right when he said, "This is the best day ever." It was a pretty fun day. Right, Gracie?
