Artsy Fartsy Friday: Cats

Catina Cat
Augie's Take: She makes the "kuh" sound. Tail, no feet, because we didn't put feet on her. And a nose. I did the nose. And a mouth and eyes. They are looking a little funny. And ears. It's named Catina Cat because it makes the "kuh" "kuh" sound.

Dad's Take: Twice this week I've asked Augie to explain to me why the cat's name is Catina, but he couldn't seem to give me a good reason. I assumed it was a character from a book they read in school. His description today is probably the most helpful. I did a quick Internet search, and discovered Catina Cat appears to be part of a Zoo Phonics list of animals (like Bubba the Bear and Queenie the Quail). I'm guessing their names are designed to help the kids remember the sound each letter makes. As for the artwork itself, it's not bad. I'm not sure why there aren't feet. I'm guessing he ran out of time because he was talking too much. He likes to talk a lot when he's supposed to be doing other things, like eating or sleeping.

Calico Cat
Augie's Take: Brown, white, black and pink, that's for the ears. And head and eyes and mouth and nose. I made it with this material, this soft comfy stuff. I cut it out myself.

Dad's Take: Calico Cat, while spotted like a calico cat should be, appears to be losing its fur. The patches are all over the place. The cutting isn't terrible, but he needs to work on staying in the lines, like he did while coloring the face. What surprised me was his description of the felt patches. He called them soft and comfy. Whenever he gets dressed in the morning, he always wants to put on "comfy pants," aka sweatpants. Sweatpants are similar in tactility to the felt patches, and he realized that, which is good.

After I took his picture and Augie looked at it, he said, "Let's do a funny one." So I told him to go stand back over by the wall. He walked over there, started laughing and shook his butt at me.

I told him, "That's not funny, that's just your butt." So he turned around and held his pictures upside down.
