Grandma's Picture Update

Grandma and grandpa Steinke were over for breakfast yesterday morning, so I snatched grandma's camera card and stole all her pictures. She doesn't clean her card off as often as I do, so she had stuff dating back to April on there. I thought I'd post some of the pictures for you all to see, starting with this one of Gracie on Sunday and working back in time. Enjoy!

I'm not sure if this is what Mikey plans on being for Halloween this year, but I'm guessing it's not considering it looks a little small. (Grandma says it's not.)

Grandma and grandpa visited the other grandkids in Wisconsin in August, probably to take Luke and Nate birthday presents. Grandma even got them all to look at the camera at the same time. Titus' hair sure has grown a lot.

It would appear Luke did his Ice Bucket Challenge while they were there. Or the local teens just thought he smelled. Who knows?

Not sure what this is from, but great-grandma makes an appearance with grandma and her sisters.

Back in August, when we ran into cousin Mikey at the fair, he showed us his llama and his awards, but he didn't tell us they dressed up like superheros.

Grandpa shows off some of his haul during one of his summer visits to the house in the U.P.

Augie enjoys some cake and ice cream at the great-grandparent's 55th wedding anniversary party.

See, cake.

Great-grandma and grandpa with some of their kids.

And with us.

Everyone loves the baby.

At some point this summer, Augie was over at grandma's playing in the sprinkler with Mikey. Looks like they found a toad.

Sometimes Mikey came over to our house to cool off.

This was all that was left of the Bergland grocery store when grandma and grandpa went up north in June. It's a shame they had to knock it down. It just won't be the same up there without the store.

Mikey didn't let it deter him from catching any fish, though. Correction: Mikey is fishing in grandma and grandpa's pond, not up north.

That's all for now. Bye!
