My First Buck

So for those of you who aren't on the Facebook, this is what the Fusion looks like after Thursday's attempted commute home from work around midnight central time. I was traveling on Michigan Boulevard in Michigan City and was nearly to the I-94 ramp when God threw a buck at me.

Michigan Boulevard is a four-lane road, and I had just moved into the left-hand lane because another car was entering the roadway in the right-hand lane. I was catching up to it when I saw a set of antlers out of the corner of my eye.

A buck had run full speed into the front quarter of my car. I didn't have time to slow down or even veer. He hit me pretty square. It was a hard hit and he surely died instantly, but he didn't even move me out of my lane of traffic. So one point for the Fusion for sturdy construction. Just goes to show you what the experts say is true: Don't swerve if you are about to hit a deer because you are likely to do more damage (i.e. swerve into another car, veer into a ditch). I slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road because I heard metal scrapping on tire.

I stopped by the body shop on Friday to grab some stuff out of the car. There were all these arrows on my door. The deer must have whipped around and caught my door on the way down. The insurance adjuster happened to be at the shop going over repair costs with the guy at the shop when I arrived. The adjuster advised I clean everything out of the car because it was likely AAA would total it. The cost of repairs were getting up to where they were more than what the car is worth. I'm still awaiting final word.

In the meantime, I'll just start picking the deer hairs out of my wheels ...

... and remember the good times we had.

I'd like to say it's the first car I've crippled, but that would be a lie.

Icy roads, a guardrail and driving too fast for conditions took care of my first car.

In fact, of my three cars, only the Baron has gotten away unscathed. It should consider itself lucky, apparently.
