Throwback Thursday: Baseball Gloves

For this week's #tbt, I'm only going to share a couple of pictures, but I think this one makes up for it. There is so much '90s going on, it's almost too much for one picture to contain. That hat. That shirt. Those baseball gloves. They just scream 1991. Tim and I were big into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (my Turtles are actually still at mom's house). We used these gloves for awhile, but eventually we traded them in at Play It Again Sports for some new gear. I miss Play It Again Sports. They sponsored our baseball team one year, but more on that another week.

The Turtles gloves were cool, but not super practical for playing catch. They were pretty stiff and kind of plastic-y. I can't remember what Tim got (some catching gear I think), but I got a new glove. I used it for a few years until it got too small. Last weekend, I bought Augie a new glove to use because his old one was getting too small. If only Play It Again Sports was still around for me to sell the old one to.
