Artsy Fartsy Friday: Cupcake

Augie's Take: So my project was a cupcake. It was a makeover project for a bad Sharpie, alcohol-bleed project, and we ended up using the messed up art project as the cupcake liner. And then we took some other colors and made them stairs, so it looked like cupcake frosting. And the red on the top is a cherry.

Gracie's Take: Why doesn't the cherry have a stem?

Augie's Take: Not all cherries have stems, Gracie.

Dad's Take: Thanks for the help Gracie. I'll take it from here. From what I'm told, Augie's teacher tried an art project that didn't work out quite as planned. Apparently she was supposed to use ceramic tiles, not paper, to get the intended affect. But she turned it around! Because the paper made for a pretty cool looking cupcake liner. I'm a big fan of recycling old stuff into new stuff, so this one gets an A+.
