Pre-Easter Festivities

It was a fun-filled Saturday with the kids. We started the day off with some Lego building. Gracie could use a little help with her tower building. They kept falling down.

Then we had Easter for Kids at church, which involved some singing and dancing.

And arts and crafts. (Augie wasn't so sure about that sneaky-snook of a sister.)

And there were eggs. Lots of eggs.

Augie was geeked.

He snatched up as many eggs as he could.

We had to open our eggs before we left to see what we got.

Of course, Gracie is really bad at waiting when it comes to candy.

She was sad when we only let her have one.

After nap, we played outside ... oh, and grandma came over with Easter presents.

Augie got a cool monster truck, which I'm sure will only be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Easter presents.
