Happy Easter

Today was another fun-filled day for the Steinke clan. The morning started off with a few presents from the Easter Bunny.

Gracie, of course, was most interested in the jelly beans. I can't blame her. I love jelly beans, too.

Then it was time to start getting ready for church. Gracie wasn't so thrilled about having to pretty-up.

We made sure to get a picture of the Minions before church ...

... because, you know, the shoes and bow don't stand a chance once Gracie hits the car.

We had Augie try to get a picture of Gretchen and I after church. We were photobombed.

But the important part is, I got to to wear my "new" stuff. By new I mean the vintage stuff that used to belong to my grandfather. I found it in a bin of stuff I was going through recently. You know what they say, wait long enough and everything comes back into fashion, even skinny ties, cuff links and tie bars.

After a TV timeout, it was off to family time number one at Aunt Leslie's. It was nice outside, and windy, so it was a great time to fly a kite.

We've tried kites in the past, and have had minimal luck. So it was amazing the wind we had this year.

There was time to hunt Easter eggs, too.

Gracie used any means necessary.

There were baskets full of stuff to be played with once the hunting was over.

Gracie chose to play with her new piggy.

Later, it was over to grandma Steinke's for another egg hunt.

It was a little bit colder by the time Jen, Luke and kids arrived. That's OK, we had our coats at the ready.

Augie had a full bucket by the time we were done, but then again, so did everybody else.

There was time for one grandkids picture before we had to leave. And that concludes Easter with the Steinkes.
