The Hello Augie Tour, Days 5 & 6

The Hello Augie Tour is all but over. Day five involved only one visit, to Beth and Andy's house in St. Joe. Gretchen and I had failed to see their new house the last couple of times we were in Michigan, so we had to be sure to see it this time.

As you can see, Augie was underwhelmed by it, but I thought it was pretty nice.

He slept most of the time (Augie not Andy), but made sure to sneak in a meltdown (not pictured) as we were leaving.

Probably the most excited person to see Augie wasn't a person at all. It was Slinky. When Augie cried, so did Slinky. And when Augie was sitting in someone's lap, Slinky tried to investigate.

On day six, we had two stops to make. More importantly, however, was for the third day in a row dad and Augie matched, so we finally got a picture of us together.

Our first stop was great Aunt Leslie and Uncle Freddy's. After getting a belly full of milk he took a four hour nap...big surprise.

When he woke up, we stuck him in the car seat and headed over to grandma and grandpa Steinke's for a second visit. He ate some supper and stayed awake for an hour or so.

Grandma Westerhoven is taking a half day tomorrow to spend more time with Augie, and then he's headed back home Saturday so he doesn't miss Sunday's Super Bowl (he asked if he could watch it from the comfort of his own home, and who am I to say no).


  1. I love how you so kindly put up nice pictures of everyone else with Augie except me. I thank you for that.

  2. He was nice for everyone else except you (hehe).


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