Artsy Fartsy Friday: Turkey!

Gracie's Take: We cutted the brown piece, and we cutted the red piece, and we cutted the orange piece. Then we glued the red piece on the brown piece. Then we glued the orange piece on the red piece. Then Mrs. Rabbers gave us the circle. Then we glued the wattle on, and the beak. Then we colored the eyes with black marker. Then we glued the strips on. Then she made holes and tied the string on, and voila!

Dad's Take: Gracie came home with this nice little turkey this week, just in time for Thanksgiving. It's shaped like it could be a hat, but I'm not sure if it's big enough for her head. So maybe it's a centerpiece? But those tissue paper legs would probably get in the way. Maybe the hook sign she's giving me means it's supposed to hang from a hook. Or maybe she's just saying this guys' getting the hook next week so he better watch out. Gobble, gobble!
