Everything's More Fun With Cousin Mikey

Gretchen and I had the day off, so we invited Grandma, Grandpa and Mikey over for dinner ... and to play on Augie's play set. Augie's new tandem seat works much better with another kid on it.

Then again, some things are still easier to do solo.

The slide, apparently, is solo optional.

Here's that shot from grandma's point of view. I show you not because it's a better shot, but because it gives you a better shot of the play set. You might notice it looks a little different. That's because I stained/sealed it today, from top to bottom. It looks brand new again.

Everything except the love seat. I didn't get to that. It needs one piece glued first.

Mikey was a big fan of climbing up the slide. Good thing it's bolted down well.

Then he tried to help Augie up the slide.

Chillin' on the patio under the pool. We've really got to deflate that thing and put it away.

Then again, it makes a pretty cool fort.

Bonus picture of me grilling. As you can see, I'm not a real big fan of preformed burgers. Too much grease.
