I Know What You Buried in My Backyard Last Summer

Yard crashers returns!!!!
This is my fence. The back of my fence, to be specific. As you might remember, I installed it last year to keep the poisonous vines in the woods behind our house at bay. I had them pushed back behind the fence line, but I didn't want them creeping back up toward the yard. So last weekend, I knocked them back another six feet before they started growing this spring. I think I'm going to plant some wildflowers in the dirt, just to see what happens.

While cleaning up our property (the flowerbeds, fence line, bushes, the dirt patch next to the garage), I have made it a habit to pick up the trash I find for two reasons: 1) I don't want to have to see it again and 2) It's my way of helping save the planet. Based on the stuff I've found near the house, I knew I would find some interesting stuff buried in the woods. Here's what I found:

It might not look like much, but it filled a black garbage bag (and then some). It included:

A bent post.

Some pieces of fencing.

Whatever this thing is.

Mangled wire.

Some garden fencing.

An inflatable Jurassic Park ball (just in time for the re-release!).

Some kind of post toppers.

The top of a silk flower.

A can.

Curtain rods?

Pop can rings. (Six ducks saved).

More plastic garbage bags than you could shake a stick at (and this is just some of it).

A half dozen bottle caps.

Scrap metal.

Paint roller.

Bathroom rug.

A wheel.

A jar.


The end of a lightbulb.

Plastic flower pot.

A bowl. (It's dishwasher safe!)

A battery.

Heavyweight orange and blue plastic. Tarps perhaps?

Pain medication.

An old burn barrel?

A zip tie.

A nasty, orange rug.

A piece of a plate.

This cable company thingy (from the utility lines overhead).

A square piece of steel.

A cinder block and a brick. And this doesn't even include the cement sink I found buried back there shortly after we moved in or the carpet that was too heavy for me to move. It's just amazing what people will throw where they think no one will look again.
