Cousins Come to Visit

Augie has spent a lot of time over at grandma's house recently. That's because Aunt Jen brought cousins Nate, Nora and Titus to Michigan for a joint birthday party with cousin Mikey. Tuesday afternoon, Augie and friends had fun with balloons.

Titus was less than impressed with the balloons. The flamingos were much tastier.

The problem with the balloons, however, was the short strings grandma tied to them. The balloons kept floating away. Mikey took matters into his own hands.

On Wednesday, grandma held a belated Easter egg hunt.

The eggs were pretty easy to find.

But Augie got excited about finding them nonetheless.

 Everybody, including cousin Abby, found their fair share of eggs.

And then there were presents.

Who doesn't love presents?

And everywhere there's presents, there's cake, too.
