Artsy Fartsy Friday: Palm Branch

Augie's Take: It's a palm branch, an Augie palm branch. I cut three of my hands out. And there's an orange stick. It can move air, and it has tape and staples on the back. It's like a normal palm branch except for the tape and the staples. We were learning about the second day before Jesus had to die.

Dad's Take: I think this might be one of my favorite art projects simply for its pun factor. It's a palm branch made from palms! The work itself isn't bad. The hands appear to be about the size of his hands, so I'll believe him when he said he used his hands (he is known to make things up sometimes). Fingers can be hard to cut out, though, as you can see by the numerous tip-less fingers. He's still working on his understanding of time. Palm Sunday is celebrated a week before Easter (or five days before Jesus died), but I think he gets the point of Easter, and that's what matters most.
