Exciting News

A lot of you here in Michigan already know this, but some of you farther away may not. Next month, Mrs. Augie's Mom will be starting a new job. She won't be working anymore at the bank, which recently made the transition from Bank of America to Old National. She will be working as a teacher at St. Paul's Lutheran in Stevensville. She was already poking around and applying for other full-time jobs when she saw the school had two part-time positions open. One was for a morning third-grade teacher and the other was an afternoon tutor. She told the principal, Mr. Treder, she'd be interested if she could have both jobs (because just one wasn't going to pay enough). Last month, the principal called her back and told her the school board had approved her for both jobs. She put in her notice at the bank recently, so this is my official announcement. This morning, we went to church over there so we could see her third-grade classroom. It was kind of a mess because they are upgrading the heating and cooling, but it looked nice. She went to college with the full-time third grade teacher, so she already knows someone she'll be working with (not that she didn't already know Mr. and Mrs. Treder). She's super excited (but nervous) about the new job, so let her know how well she'll do.
