Deer Forest or Augie's backyard?

Augie's backyard.

I was outside this morning taking some pictures of Augie on my lawnmower and on his slide when something much more interesting happened.

This young buck came strolling by on the other side of the fence. Roscoe was very interested in what was going on. (The Travelocity gnome, not as much. He wouldn't even turn around).

 He was pretty upset that another animal would come so close to his yard. The buck was less than scared.

Roscoe barked his heart out, but the deer was unphased. In fact, I was pretty sure if I had a twig in my hand I could have reached out and petted him. I wasn't using a long zoom lens when I was took these pictures. I was actually this close.

Augie was, too.

You can definitely tell it was a city deer. If we were in the country, we wouldn't have gotten within a mile of this thing ... unless, of course, we were driving 55 mph in our car at night. Then we would've meet in the middle of the road somewhere.

Augie was less than impressed with the "camel." (That's what he called it). Roscoe, however, barked until the animal sauntered away.


  1. Very cool.
    (Hope Roscoe wasn't too disappointed about the deer not listening to him. ;))


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