The Pertinent Information

I thought it might be a good idea to post all the information that got lost in the blog that had the pictures that never made it on. August Graham Steinke was born at 6:13 PM Central time and weighed 9 lbs. and half an ounce. He is 22 in. long. I was induced with Pitocin around 8:30 and my water was broken around noon. From there contractions got pretty intense and I requested an epidural at around 1 pm. After that we worked on getting the epidural to spread to both sides of my body because it wasn't complete on the right side and they were worried about the possiblity of a C-section. We finally got me completely numb and I began pushing around 5 pm. We did end up having to use a vaccuum, which wasn't something I wanted to do, but these things never go as planned anyway. I did experience a lot of tearing and am pretty stitched up down there, but as my doctor will tell you, we weren't planning on a 9 lb baby! Daddy was very happy that Augie was a boy and I was just happy he was healthy and that I got him out :-D.

We had a pretty good night. Augie just was having some trouble spitting up Amniotic fluid, so he spent most the night with the nurses so they could keep an eye on him. Today he has been alert and very mellow, with a temperment much like his daddy. All the nurses think he is a sweetheart and a cutie. He is already catching the eye of the ladies :-). He is also doing a pretty good job of breastfeeding with just a little trouble sucking in his bottom lip making his latch tricky.

That is all for now, we are being discharged tomorrow and are working on baptism plans. Thanks to everyone who has sent messages, gifts, and well wishes. We truly appreciate it all and wish you all could be here too.


  1. Advice from your Auntie, who knows...

    Have Andy bring you a big bed pillow from home to sit on during the ride home. You will be thankful for said pillow every time you hit a pothole. In fact, Pillow will probably accompany you around the house a good bit, too -- at least for awhile. Remember, Pillow is good. Pillow is your friend. :)

    Congratulations again, sweetie!

    -- Auntie Beth


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