New Signs!

Vacation week is nearly over, but it's had it's high points. Like this: my new porcelain sign! I found it in the barn on Monday and gifted it to myself as an early anniversary present (I'm so nice). I'm not sure how it has eluded me these past few years, but no longer! Now it's part of the sign family.

It looks respectable now, but that's not how I found it. Someone had actually painted over the whole thing at one point. Thankfully, a majority of the paint had come off by the time I found it. And then I scraped the whole thing down. All 32 square feet of it. There was once another sign just like it. Then someone cut off 1/3 of it and made tractor fenders out of it. When I found the rest of it, I died a little inside.

While we're talking signs, here's another one that joined the wall recently. It's not quite as big, but I liked it. I found it at my favorite antique/junk store: Ganges Antique & Salvage.

There's also the 68th Street road sign that I bought off a guy in Hartford. It fit nicely in the bracket I already had screwed into the tree.

If anyone has any other signs they don't want, the guys are always looking for more friends.
