Happy Fourth of July

It's painting week at Casa de la Steinke. Mom wanted to freshen up the living room because the walls have gotten marked up over the last seven years. And since I'm on vacation this week, she volunteered me to help.

Painting is way down there on the list of things I enjoy doing. So I enlisted all the help a bag of M&Ms could buy. This is what it got me.

I sweetened the pot for the short ones by taking them to the annual Eau Claire Fourth of July parade.

It was another hot and humid day, so we let them sit in the shade. We aren't animals.

There was most of what you'd expect from a parade: police and fire vehicles, tractors, horses, politicians, a softball team ...

 ... and floats full of princesses.

But the best part of every parade is, of course ...

... the free candy.

Happy Fourth of July!
