Happy Halloween

This year for Halloween, Augie dressed up as Jake from Disney's "Jake and the Neverland Pirates." It was a cloudy, sometimes rainy day, but the clouds broke just long enough for Augie to secure a sizable bounty of candy.

We started our voyage at the HP, where we ran into none other than Superman. Apparently Clark Kent doesn't bother to hide his true identity in the office anymore. Augie left with an overflowing bucket of candy.

Next, we headed over to Grandma Steinke's house for another treasure load of good eats.

Which made Augie pretty happy.

Combined with his candy from Great-Aunt Leslie, Aunt Lauren, Grandma Westerhoven and the generous people of our neighborhood, Augie ended the night with two buckets full of sugar. And that doesn't even include the bucket of candy we had leftover because the rain scared off most of our expected trick-or-treaters.

Earlier today, Augie and I upheld our Halloween tradition of carving pumpkins. This year's victims were one pumpkin and one of Grandpa Steinke's gourds.

We intended to carve them like this. Well, plans change.

The gutting went off without a hitch ...

... but things went sideways when I started carving the Angry Bird. The gourd walls started cracking on me. I tried to tape them together ...

... but it was no use. We ended up with an Angry Bird silhouette, or a peach, however you want to look at it.

I was so discouraged that I made Lauren's boyfriend carve the pumpkin. He didn't attempt to carve the cat and moon. I don't blame him.

It's a little hard to read but he came up with "I (heart) (triangle) candy." He said the triangle was to make it look less lopsided. Whatever, I didn't get any complaints from our trick-or-treaters that our jack-o'-lanterns were confusing, so it's a win in my book.
