A muddy morning stroll

Every morning, Augie and I take a stroll out to the mailbox to get the newspaper. We take a walk through Grandma's front yard, past a couple of farm buildings and then out to the road for the paper. Usually I grab Augie and walk him across the road with me. But today, there wasn't a vehicle in sight and Augie was lagging behind, so I went and grabbed the paper by myself.

When I turned around, Augie was walking down the street toward Grandma's driveway.
(He's a sneaky fast little guy in those sandals.)
We usually go back the same way we came, so I wasn't sure what he was up to.

And then I found out.

He stopped at EVERY puddle between the end of the driveway and Grandma's house.

He even checked a few out for ... I don't know, the water-to-mud ratio?

I may have created a monster.


  1. I bought my son rubber boots for just this purpose! He loves to jump in puddles and make mud pies. Face it, Augie's 100% boy.


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