Off to the Zoo

Today, we went to the zoo in Michigan City. Grandma wanted to take the kids out, and we hadn't been to this zoo yet, so we gave it a shot.

We were optimistic.

We started out in the aviary. You could buy Popsicle sticks with food stuck to them and feed the birds.

You could find them everywhere -- the birds and the sticks. The birds ate slowly, so people left their sticks behind, but there were a lot of birds to feed, too.

You could say they weren't afraid of humans.

There was plenty of other creatures to look at.

Like alligators ...

... and barn owls.

Some of the creatures even looked back.

The otters are always fun to watch. The exhibit had a cool underwater tunnel you could watch them through.

Of course, there were more conventional ways to watch the otters, too.

It was pretty warm outside, but this bear had the right idea. He knew how to stay cool.

Gracie's a little short on stranger danger these days. She goes around the store introducing herself to other customers. At the zoo, she introduced herself to the zebra.

The eagles were pretty cool.

But not nearly as cool as the large eagle's nest they zoo had on display. It was massive.

But I guess you need a massive nest when you are a massive bird.

Until next time ...
