Happy Fourth of July!

Today, we made our annual trek to the Eau Claire Fourth of July parade. Gracie wasn't so sure about it.

But then she saw there were "princesses."

And her mood brightened.

And she waved at all the princesses.

Augie was mostly there for the candy. He was at the ready for any that flew his way.

Some of the non-princess parade highlights included the grand marshal: Fred Steinke ...

... this K-9 wearing a tiara (he, or she, gets me every year) ...

... and what Fourth of July parade is complete without a guy riding on a trailer full of old washing machines singing into a plunger. 'Merica!

After nap time and a quick mowing of the lawn, a few people swung over for some dinner.

There was plenty of time for mischievous mayhem after dinner, though.

And Gracie is the Queen of Mayhem.

She'll look far and wide for it, if she has to.

It's a good thing I had s'mores to distract her.

Mom bought the s'mores-designed marshmallows. They were larger than your average marshmallow.

Gracie didn't think it was a problem. No obstacle is too big when it comes to eating marshmallows.

But forget s'mores. What's the Fourth of July without a few sparklers?

Gracie took to them like moth to a flame.

Ryan was a little more hesitant ...

... but he came around. Everyone comes around when sparklers are involved.

Happy Fourth July!
