Augie Sawyer

Why it ain't every day a boy gets the chance to white wash a fence, ain't it?

Augie and I are home alone all day today. I have the day off (and so does Augie), but Gretchen went into work this morning and won't be home until 6 p.m. So, Augie and I went out this morning and had some fun. I was putting him in his overalls after breakfast (how'd you know I was the one who dressed him?) and asked him if he wanted to wear a shirt, too. He said no, so I snapped his straps and off we went. I thought he kind of looked like a hillbilly, so I grabbed a paintbrush from the garage and told him to paint the fence. The fence isn't really worth painting, but it made for some funny pictures.

Yard crashers update
The most interesting yard crashers project to watch this year has been the stump flower pot with its wild flowers. This is what it looked like almost two weeks ago. It had some blue flowers, white flowers and  white and purple flowers.

This is what it looked like this morning. It's all sorts of purple, pink and white. It's quite the site.

Besides the wild flowers, the roses and lilies are still in bloom, so I brought some in for the dining room table.

It also appears that the maple sapling I planted this spring in the backyard is going to make it, so I made it a little home for safekeeping.


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