Decoding Dadhood

It has been more than 10 months since Augie was born, and since I started writing for this Web site. And while the name has changed slightly to reflect who is doing most (almost all, really) of the posting, I have never explained how the name for the blog came to be.

You may remember one of the first posts to the blog included a link to a column I wrote for the Dells Events about becoming a first-time father. I wasn’t sure if my editor was going to ask me to opine from time to time about the experience, so I kicked around a few names I could use for the column if it became a recurring feature in the paper. Alas, I have written but the one column, which isn’t necessarily bad considering all else I have to do, but I have enjoyed posting to the blog and sharing what has been going on with Augie. The blog hasn’t focused as much on being a dad as I thought it would, but I think people enjoy hearing about Augie more than anything else anyway so I don’t plan to change things too drastically. 

While I was cleaning out my briefcase this weekend, I found the list of names I brainstormed for my column. I thought I had trashed it, but since I didn’t, I figured I would share some of the names that didn’t make the cut. Some were simple, some were complex and, looking back, some were downright stupid. 

Among them were: 
-Fallacies of a First-Time Father 
-Fatherly Wisdom 
-Dad Talk 
-Feedback from a First-Time Father 
-Father Files 
-Daddy Decrees 
-Following a First-Time Father 
-Earning a Degree in Dad 
-Dad Diary 
-Fatherhood: Fits and Findings 
-Developmental Dad 
-Dad From Day 1 
-Fatherhood 101 
-Desperate Dad 
-Daddy Discoveries 

In the end, I chose Decoding Dadhood because I thought it would reflect my purpose for the blog: Talking about what it takes to be a dad. The blog has been mostly pictures of Augie so far, but I think as he starts to talk, I will have more to share. Like how I answered the tough questions of life – Why is the sky blue? Are we there yet? and Dad, why are you pulling out your hair? It has been a great experience so far, and with walking and speech right around the corner I’m sure I’ll have plenty to talk about for months, if not years, to come.


  1. An exciting part of being a dad (or mom) is being able to take pictures of your kid(s) and tell others of their adventures and your part in them. Plus Augie will be able to look back on things he won't remember and you'll be able to tell him stories of his 1st years.
    So you are "coding" your dadhood.


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