A Week in Review

It's been more than a week since my last post, but Augie's still been busy. Here's a look back at the week that's been.

On Sunday, Augie and I were watching TV and he was playing with his toys. Well, not his toys as much as the basket they were in. He took them all out and spread them around so he could play with the basket.

What? I liked the basket.

On Monday or Tuesday, I don't remember which, we had quite a bit of junk mail. So I gave it to my shredder.

When he was done shredding, he went for a walk. He can't really walk yet, but he can scoot along the furniture. He walked from that ottoman Gretchen is using to his high chair. In unrelated news, it was supper time.

On Wednesday, it was time to go to Michigan, but it was cold and rainy outside so Augie needed to put his hat and gloves on. I'm sure he wore a coat, too.

Thursday morning it was time to play with the cousins. Augie didn't even get out of his pajamas first. There were three people standing around trying to get pictures of the kids playing, but they wouldn't look. So I said...

"Who wants cookies?" And that got attention from everyone who knows what cookies are. Right, Nate?

There weren't any cookies for Augie. And he was sad.

Thursday was a very long day. Just ask Gretchen.

But all of Augie's favorite relatives were there, so it wasn't so bad.

Thursday was also cousin Abby's birthday, so there were gifts to be opened. It was like pre-Christmas.

Augie was a little crabby by the end of the day, but cousin Mikey is always fun.

Some of the family Augie has only seen once or twice were also in attendance. Among them was cousin Bernadette.

Other people were there, too. See. Other people.

While the other people were playing games, Nate and Mikey were watching cartoons with their sippies. I'm told they are sippies, not bottles like I tried to suggest.

Before we left my parents to see Gretchen's family, I managed to get a picture of the elusive Timmy monster.

Thursday morning, grandma and grandpa bought new chairs, but didn't get them set up until Friday. Augie was the first one to sit in grandma's new chair. Doesn't he look excited?

Once Thanksgiving was over, it was immediately time to start thinking about Christmas.
