If newspapers folded...

...what would Augie have to play with? Even with talking cookie jars, bouncing chairs, plastic rings and stuffed animals, it seems the only toy Augie wants to play lately with is paper -- newspapers, magazine paper, mail, napkins, books. He's an equal opportunity paper player, but his favorite is newspaper, and subsequently newspaper ads. I don't know if it's because the newspaper is big and easy for him to manipulate or if he just enjoys the ink on his fingers.

He'll tear it, squish it, crumple it, spread it all over the room, wave it in the air...

...and sometimes even eat it.

If there were no more newspapers, what would Augie destroy everyday? (Never mind what I would do for a job). Newspaper has so many uses for kids: Table cloth for art projects, toilet paper for pet rabbits, current events at school and, of course, paper hats. Since Augie was already destroying the autos section today, I took to the simple task of making him a hat. At least I thought it was simple. I couldn't remember how to do it and had to look it up. (Thank you, Internet). It turns out the hat making was the easy part. Afterward I had to try and get it on his head, and keep it there long enough to take a picture.

It was on there a second ago.

So close.

No Augie, don't touch the camera. Dad's trying to put a hat on your head.

A bit crooked, but it's on there.


There! It's on. Now smile, Augie.

Thank you.

Well, it was fun while it lasted.


  1. Lol. At least he still sits still.
    Wait till he's mobile. ;)

    Also - I have no idea how to make those paper hats anymore either. Yea, internet!

  2. I was so proud of it I kept it. It's on top of our TV.

  3. If you think paper is fun, try boxes!


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