Are You Not Entertained?

Tonight was Entertainment Night at Augie's school. It started off simply enough, with the kindergartners riding on a bus.

But before you know it, they were telling all kind of fishing tales.

Then it was time for the boys to dance to a song about the letter S. They really got into it.

Then, they were dancing about something else. I can't remember. There was a lot of singing and dancing.

That's OK, though, Gracie loves singing and dancing.

The kindergartners finished things off with "Star Light, Star Bright." There was a star and everything.

The song put everyone to sleep.

 So it was on to the other acts, like the first through fourth-graders' musical "Jungle Party" ...

... the fifth and sixth-graders' telling of "Snoring Beauty" ...

... and the seventh and eight-graders' performance of "The Wizard of Oz."

The Wizard scared Gracie a little ... at least until mom told her it was just pretend. Then she was good. And we were all entertained.
