Artsy Fartsy Friday: The Bible

Augie's Take: It's a Bible, kind of like a magazine. It's a picture of the cross and it says God on the top. You know what color it is, right? Blueish, greenish. One of Olivia's favorites. She's one of my table partners. I made it in after school care. I used two pieces of paper and I folded them. I did these squiggly lines and wrote the page numbers in the corners.

Dad's Take: Augie brought home several things this week, but he wanted to talk about this one. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because he got to use the stapler on it. It's mostly just marker scribbled on the pages, but his squiggly lines as placeholder text were top notch. I'll also give him high marks for his page numbering skills. If it's a book, it's gotta have page numbers, right? Good thinking, son.
