Sunday Funday

I didn't have to work today, so there was a lot of lounging around for me to catch up on. Here's the recap: It's blueberry season in Michigan's Great Southwest, which can only mean one thing: blueberry pancakes.

Gracie preferred to eat her blueberry pancakes sans pancakes.

And then she offered to share her juice with me. I declined. Not because I already had coffee, but because it wasn't blueberry juice. (Blueberry season is a serious time in the Steinke household.)

After brunch, Augie wanted to play with his farm. Problem was, we threw away the one he had that kept falling apart. So he and I made a new one.

After I cut out the door and windows, he started by coloring the inside with hay and grass (I don't know why he needed grass).

Gracie wanted to help, too. But I feared what she would do with an uncapped marker. So I benched her.

So she put markers in the dishwasher.

Augie and I finished up, and he checked out his handiwork.

After Augie colored the outside, we glued on a few flowers to make it look pretty.

Then we did something that wasn't pretty ... watch the Cubs game.

Gracie wasn't that interested. By the time she woke up from nap, they were already well in the hole.

But she still cried when they lost.

Augie and I buried our sorrows in green beans. Somebody had to snap them before dinner.

After dinner was bath time, and after bath time was book time apparently. Mom was reading one on her Kindle, so Gracie grabbed one off the shelf to page through.

She's a fast reader.
