Fun at the Fair

I think we've found Gretchen's next vehicle! At least that's what she suggested as she climbed into this $18,000 four-seater at the fair yesterday. It would be great for the summertime, but not so great in the wintertime, especially since it doesn't really have room for car seats.

Augie and I thought this combine might be more her speed. I mean, look at how many cars she could crush with these tires!

Can we get that in a to-go bag, please?

Mom dragged him away to the horticulture barn before he got anymore grand ideas.

And then tried to pin him down with a rabbit in the rabbit barn. The rabbit was melting molting, so it got a little messing.

Our real destination was the llama tent, where we ran into cousin Mikey right away. He showed us Desperado, who somehow won both first and second place. I didn't ask any questions, those teeth are pretty scary.

I stopped him to get this quick picture before we went to meet a couple of other friends over by the rides ...

... and somehow he talked me into taking him along to the rides.

He showed off a little bit for Augie.

In case you're wondering, Gracie came with us, too. This is what she thought of the rides.

So mom put a hat on her. That made her grumpy in no time flat.

Among the other rides Augie and Mikey rode were the race cars ...

... this giant swing, which they rode with Ethan and Jonah ...

... the fish throwing octopus ...

... and the flying bumblebees.

After spending $7,500 on fair food and wandering through the commercial buildings for half an hour, it was time to go home so dad could go to work.
