Sortin' Tools

Yesterday morning/afternoon, we went over to grandma and grandpa Steinke's house to visit. Grandpa had some sweet corn to get rid of, so we went and picked it up. While we were there, I noticed there was still a bunch of stuff in their garage from great-grandpa Becker's house. Amongst the stuff was a tote full of old sockets, wrenches and the like. Grandpa Steinke had already taken out what he wanted, so I went through what was left and brought it home. This morning, Augie helped me sort through the metric sockets (seen above).

I stood mine up in rows, so Augie stacked his up, too.

There were several sets of varying sizes in metric and American. If anyone needs a socket or two, let me know. They'll probably just sit around at grandpa Steinke's house otherwise.

I'll have to wait till tomorrow for Augie to help me sort the rest of my "new" tools.
