Where is home?

Where is home?

That's what a certain relative and I have been discussing lately. Some people (like myself) will argue that home is where you spent your formative years. The place you called home when you were 4 or 8 or 16. The house you grew up in, and where your parents still live. Others (like my relative) will argue home is where you live now. It's the place where you kick off your shoes and plop on your favorite couch with your wife and kids.

I will probably always call Michigan home, because that's where all my family lives, but I can also see the view from the other side. Now that I have a family of my own, perhaps I have to reconsider where my home will be. Where will "home" be for Augie? Until we find a more permanent place to live, a place where Augie can feel like he's at home, let's take a look at what I think about when I think about home.

Home is a grape patch in the back yard...

...and an apple orchard across the street.

Home is the place where family lives...

...and fireworks in Eau Claire on the Fourth of July.

Home is a windmill for a foul pole...

...and barn doors for a backstop (even if it meant a few broken windows).

Home is a Mustang in one garage...

...and a race track behind another.

Home is a pump for gassing up lawn mowers...

...and a millstone to mow around.

Home is candy-cane driveway markers...

...and Dutch Lane.

Home is a dinner bell...

...and a picnic table for shucking corn.

Home is a playhouse full of toys...

...and countless sheds made for exploring.

Home is a personal garden...

...and a family pet.

So that's what I think of when I think about home. I'm sure there's more, but that's what comes to mind first. So...where is home for you?


  1. I love the pictures! (Yea grape patch - and millstone and mustang!)

    I had to laugh to see the one yellow dash on Dutch "Lane" - which turns it into Dutch "Lanes" however - ;)

    Glad you got to try out some fireworks shots, too.

  2. If you look close you can see more than one yellow line, but yeah, why they lined our road I'll never know. Most of the streets in Wisconsin seem to be unlined, even the well traveled ones.

    The fireworks shots went OK. The few ground displays they had turned out the best. The rest were just fireworks against a black sky. They need a skyline or lighthouse or something next to them to give them some perspective, but I refused to go to St. Joe to take pictures.

    See you tonight.

  3. As you grow older and have a permanent place for your family.... Home will be wherever you have spent the majority of your life.
    For me that is Sodus too since dad and I married at 20 and dad is now 49..... Home is also where you have memories... childhood or children growing up and trying to convince their brother he can fly (thanks Jen).
    Loved having all the family here AT HOME!

  4. He he he :)

    (I also like how you say "DAD is now 49" :))

  5. Yeah, aren't your parents pretty much the same age like mine? Did you guys graduate together?


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