Augie Picture of the Day, July 19, 2010

When we were back home in Michigan, Gretchen get hooked on my mom's Nintendo DS while we were staying with my parents. So when we started staying at her parent's house she went and found her old Nintendo Gameboy (Color!). She said it was good for passing the time when she was feeding Augie. But when Augie isn't feeding, he likes to help mom play.

New on Decoding Dadhood...
With this post you will probably notice a few changes. First, the picture is bigger. Since most people don't read this blog for what I have to say (shame on you!), I found a way to make the pictures a little bit bigger. For those of you who didn't know, you could always see the pictures bigger than they were posted. Just click on any of the pictures and they will pop up in a new window full-size. Second, the post section of the blog is a little wider. With the bigger pictures, I decided to make the blog portion as wide as I could to accommodate them. And third, I am going to start putting dates after every post that's title "Augie Picture of the Day." I thought about doing that when I started doing the Augie Picture of the Day, but decided against it because I didn't think I would be posting too many of them. However, since people want to see pictures of Augie, and it's an easy way to keep the blog fresh, I'll probably keep doing it. To make it easier for you to find an old picture you liked, I will start adding the dates to the titles.

If you have any other ideas on how I could make the blog better, or if there are things you would like to see on here, post a comment to this post and let me know. If you don't want to set up a user account to post a comment to suggest a change, I can't help you (unless you e-mail me). Set up an account and become a follower.
