Happy Birthday, Augie

Today, is Augie's birthday. He got the morning started right with a couple of presents from mom and dad before church.

I think he really liked his new Cubs jersey.

It was good fortune he received a Cubs jersey since his party theme this year was Cubs. After church, I got down to the hard work of party decorations.

I might have spent so much time on this one decoration that I didn't have time for many other decorations. It probably wasn't time well spent.

So I let Gretchen take care of the cake decorations.

I think her baseball diamond turned out pretty good considering we used gum for bases, a marshmallow for home plate and graham cracker crumbs for base paths.

The kids were banished to the basement while she toiled away. Gracie chose to play with some Cars memorabilia ...

... while Augie hooked up to the Sega.

They even agreed to sit together nicely when we un-banished them from the basement.

Their good behavior didn't last long, though.

And things went totally off the rails when Augie's cohort in crime arrived.

He turned his ways right around, though, when we told him he had presents to open.

I think he really liked his 2016 Chicago Cubs World Series Legos.

Grandma might have brought Gracie a present, too, so she didn't feel left out in all the gift opening.

And last but not least, no birthday is complete without a little fire. Happy birthday, Augie.
