We Saw The Cubs ... The South Bend Cubs

Today, we went to see the South Bend Cubs with Grandma and Mikey. Augie was pretty excited. He got up extra early this morning, even though the game wasn't until 2.

For being an Indiana establishment, Four Winds Field is pretty nice. Plenty of angles to see the game from. Large walkways. A splash pad.

And blow-up bounce house type stuff.

Augie showed off his best bunting abilities before the game was set to start.

We picked the hottest day of the summer to go see the Cubs. At least we got this game ball out of it.

Of course that wasn't all the boys got out of the trip to Four Winds. Grandma bought them some light sabers. It was Star Wars day at the stadium, after all.

Augie got a new hat and T-shirt, too.

Gracie was smart and stayed at home in the air conditioning. Grandma's air conditioning actually. But she did support the Cubs today. When she saw Augie and I getting ready for the game after church, she said, "Go Cubs. Go Cubs." So I put her in the Cubs onsie.

For her support, she got a new stuffed animal. Everyone's a winner.
