It's Your Birthday, Let's Eat Out For Lunch Today

I woke up this morning, fed Gracie her bottle, paid some bills, logged on to Facebook and realized, it's Gracie's birthday! Her party is on Sunday (don't forget to RSVP, you bums), so in my brain her birthday wasn't supposed to be for a couple of days yet (guess I better call that guy about that pony today). So to celebrate, we stopped by McDonald's on the way home from picking up Augie at preschool. Gracie really wanted some McNuggets.

She was so hungry she took off her sock and started eating it in the car. (I make a lot of stuff up on this blog -- except for that pony thing, that's happening -- but she really was eating her sock in the car. Why do kids do that?)

By the time she was done, she had that "why did I eat so much McDonald's" look on her face.

Lucky for her, Augie was happy to help her finish her nuggets.
