Hunting Bears (video)

At Augie's birthday party earlier this month, cousin Mikey came over to our house and taught us the art of "hunting bears." I'm not sure where he picked it up, but when he saw Augie's flashlights in his room, he immediately asked me if I would hunt bears with him.

Bear! Ruuuuuuun!
As it turns out, most of the bears in our house live under mine and Gretchen's bed. (There were also some behind the TV stand, in the closet and in the basement for those of you keeping score). Today, we went and visited grandma and grandpa Steinke and found this bear hiding under one of their beds.

To hunt bears, you only really need one thing: a properly functioning flashlight.

A kick-ass Monster-Catching Jacket doesn't hurt either.
Once you have your flashlight in hand, it's mostly about your willingness to crawl on the floor and look under beds for bears (and occasionally wolves, as I found out today).

At the start of this post is a video I took earlier this week of Augie and I checking our bedroom for bears. He's getting really good at spotting them.


  1. YouTube strikes again. I hate how it always makes videos so much darker. This one was dark to start with (you can only hunt bears in the dark), but it got even darker. Grrrr.


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