Happy Birthday!

Let me be the first one to wish Augie a happy second birthday. Yesterday, in honor of his appearance here on Earth, I decided I was going to take some birthday pictures. Last year, we took him to Walmart (the only game in town) for his official first birthday pictures, and they turned out so-so. He didn't really like the lady. He didn't feel like smiling. The poses were, eh. And the prices were, whoa! So I decided then that I would try my hand at it for his second birthday. Overall, he was much smilier for this year's shots because he got to take them at home. Here are the six we decided to get prints of.

This was my favorite one of the day.

Gretchen really liked the one of him kissing the Cars puppy.

I can't believe he held still long enough to take this many pictures.

This was my favorite one of him in his second outfit.

He's not smiling, but this one was funny.

And the last one. I think this was Gretchen's favorite. I don't know why.
