Snow Day

The plows were slow to get the roads cleaned this morning, so mom and Augie had their first snow day of the year. We continued to receive snow yesterday after I snowblowed, so the kids and I were back out this morning to clean up the rest of the mess. They are somewhat helpful with a shovel and ice scraper.

After nap, Augie pulled out the dinosaur kit he ordered through Scholastic.

We used tools to unearth this T-rex. And by tools I mean a pointy stick and a brush. That's what it came with. A pointy stick and a brush. It was pretty hard on the knuckles.

During nap, someone tall and handsome wrapped all the presents for Christmas. And after nap, someone short and cute tried to unwrap all of them. She's much sneakier than she looks. You can't turn your back on her.


  1. Water is a good tool to use on dino bones too - softens clay.


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