Blog update

As many of up probably noticed (or should have noticed), the blog was updated earlier this week. I like to change things up from time to time to keep the blog fresh, but I mainly made the changes because there were certain elements about the site that weren't functioning correctly, which bugged me:

1) It wasn't loading properly on Firefox about 95% of the time. Perhaps you noticed this, too. The template I am using for Decoding Dadhood (Blogger's "Dynamic Views") has a bug in it that apparently isn't going to be fixed. If the page takes too long to load, the template is designed to load a bare bones version of the site. So any customization I had done didn't show up. Now it does. I finally found a blog online that described how I could change the template's HTML, so Blogger would properly load all of the blog's elements. Let me know if you are still experiencing problems. And if the blog is taking a little longer to load for you, this is probably why.

2) The sidebar didn't load. When the website didn't load properly, the sidebar didn't appear in the bare bones version of the site. This really annoyed me because the sidebar includes the blog's archive, first and foremost, but also a quick link to Augie's YouTube videos, the "about this blog" section and several other things. Now it's back. And you'll notice it doesn't go away anymore. It used to disappear when you weren't hovered over it. I found another blog that had simple step-by-step details to add code that would allow me to lock that in place. Fancy, right? Now if I add a poll, for example, in the sidebar, you will be able to see it.

3) Other add-ons. I found a few other hacks on that blog that allowed me to do other minor customizations (like making the whole header bar, instead of just the blog title, a link back to the homepage). I won't bore you with some of them, but if you notice other little changes, they are probably on purpose. One you will likely notice is the header bar doesn't disappear anymore when you scroll down the page.

Now that I know I'm not wasting my time, I might actually spend some time make other customizations to the blog. Stay tuned.
